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SpeedSouls - Save Organizer - SpeedSouls
Download dark souls 2 save editor free shared files from DownloadJoy and other world's most popular shared hosts. Our filtering technology ensures that only latest dark souls 2 save editor files are listed. Where is the save game file located on steam version? Both my pc and lap top are running windows 7 if that matters. I'm looking to switch playtime between my lap top and my pc without having to start a new game. I am not very computer techy and I cannot locate the save game file. The SpeedSouls - Save Organizer is a tool designed to manage savefiles for Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin and Dark Souls III. Developed by Kahmul. Contents.
Dark souls 2 save file download
Please adhere to reddit's guidelines on self promotion. Please read the full community rules and guidelines. Confused about SotFS? Click here. Request Dark Souls 2 Trophy Flair. Sidebar image created by Carson-Drew-It. It's a tool that lets you load your friends save files PC and play them on your computer.
Once your computer has loaded your friend's save file, you don't need to run the tool again because once you quit the game your computer will convert the file for use on your computer. With this tool you can exchange save files with a friend to play their character. We've had the most fun loading each others characters and dueling each other on them.
There's error checking to make sure it doesn't overwrite bytes it shouldn't. Exactly 10 bytes are modified in "DarkSoulsII. If for any reason this is not in line with things allowed posted to this subreddit, please let me know and I'll take it down or a mod will. EDIT: Switched to Mediafire for the download location because speedyshare put a deceptive download button on their page.
Can't you just send over each others save files and swap them out, how does this tool improve upon this process? I'm sorry if this is a retarded question, I can't try out the program, at work.
No stupid questions. If you try loading someone else's save file you'll see that DarkSouls2 tells you the file is unable to be loaded. This makes it simple. Thanks for the reply, I was thinking it'd be exactly like loading one of your own back ups, I hadn't really tried using a friend's save yet, but I was about to since I lost mine recently. I was thinking about opening a thread where people can just swap out saves and try different builds and playstyles at a fast rate.
I was thinking about calling it the Save Swap Extravaganza Thread or something similar, thought it'd be a cool idea. Using your application it would actually be possible, dark souls 2 save file download, maybe you could start it, if you're interested? I've thought about starting it, but don't have the time.
You're more than welcome to if you like. The Any Save file program will work just fine to allow this to work. If it were me starting it I would have different sections for people to post character types: "Mule characters" that people know were cheated with, "Cosplay only", etc.
I would also encourage people to backup their personal saves and create brand new saves for the project so there's only 1 character on the save filedark souls 2 save file download, I think that'd make it more pure.
Either way, do whatever you like. I'll definitely participate and I look forward to it. Great, I've never started a reddit thread before but I'll give it a go, not much time either, but ill make it work. Normally if you try load someone else's save it gives you a "save file is corrupt" message. Also, OP give source? I'll consider releasing the source, but I'm not going at this moment. Just because it was a bunch of work to do.
The client won't let you open a save file from another user. There's a way to do it anyway, but it's very cumbersome. This makes it about ten times easier. Vac will likely never be reintroduced.
Look at Activision. They decided to use Vac for that game series, their most important source of revenue. They probably spent a lot of money and time and dark souls 2 save file download resources to get the best possible results.
Look at those results. To put it bluntly, Vac is not only a bad anti cheat software as it works based on assumptions and methods that are outdated and not so effective anyways, it is also a massive hassle to update and implement correctly.
So much that not even Activision, with all that money and time spent, managed to get it right. I don't disagree at all, just stating the fact that if VAC were re-enabled for any reason, DLL injection would trigger it. We'll see, dark souls 2 save file download. I've done "hacks" for games of non-malicious variety for a while now and you have to remember that DLL's get injected for every EXE you run on your computer all the time Steam overlay for example.
What companies seem to usually do is scan for certain ones or binary snippets to identify malicious programs and ban for things like that. I'm sorry, I just can't help myself, dark souls 2 save file download.
Don't take this personal, it isn't, and don't take it to serious, it ain't that either, but. I just had to get that out there. Sorry, but what do you mean? Consoles are even less protected dark souls 2 save file download cheaters, as they almost exclusively rely on the digital signature check. Macros, true external hacks and some more complicated setups don't even require dark souls 2 save file download modifications.
This program effectively changes exactly 10 bytes in the DarkSoulsII. Very welcome. Glad someone else likes it. Personally I don't have much intention of using apart from a couple duels or showing a friend how he can kill a boss on his character, but I hope others can find more creative uses for this.
I'd also like ideas for other projects :. Heh, I probably won't actually be using this myself. Well then, thank you for DSVfix, it's random "programs of love" tm that keep alot of communities and games alive past their developers giving a shit. I'm not much of a programmer, I'm just a debugger junkie in the end. Once again thanks for your DSVFix and the hours you put into it to save a lot of people, alot of grief, dark souls 2 save file download.
Be well. Also if you want to crack open this file in a debugger and report in this thread what you find Symbols are included and the source will show up as DebugStrings in the debuggeryou're encouraged to do so. So, how exactly do you do this? Copy the. Can I use this to export my save from one of my computers to another without having to boot up this program every time I want to play Dark Souls?
I'm thinking of upgrading my PC soon and don't want to have to spend another 80 hours getting back to where I left off. Yes, it won't "Export" your save per-se. When you get your new pc, copy over your save game file from your old pc to the new one, run this tool and you'll be able to play your old character.
So try that first :. It does not create any files, merely allows you to play saved files that were not created on your computer :. I'm guessing this no longer works on the new patch? I can't seem to get my alt account to run dark souls 2 save file download other save games.
I would really appreciate that, even dark souls 2 save file download it can't be done so soon. It appears I have been "soft banned", dark souls 2 save file download, wish I had seen this thread sooner.
Havent played in over a week, log in today and couldnt find any summon signs. Finally got summoned by a guy after 5 minutes or so, played with him for a bit, then he sent me a message asking if I had been soft banned too, and thats when it clicked.
Ah well, live and learn. Just wanted to play with other players who werent levels above me. Someone needs to start a new character and load every item in the inventory via CE, then distribute the save file with this tool You could launche a CE script and have every item in the game automatically added to your inventory already.
How does one do this exactly, it's getting kind of annoying having to grind characters for 15 hours until they are pvp viable, or is it against subreddit rules to discuss this?
First of all, you should not have to grind more than once. If you want to stay at a specific soul memory tier, reach it, then back up your dark souls 2 save file download and replace yours with the backup when needed.
If not, soul vessels are not scarce. Second, it is not something you can't find with a simple google search for "dark souls 2 cheat engine". Third, dunno about the rules of the subreddit, so I will not post a direct link to said tools. They are pretty irrelevant if you just recreate a legit character, but trying to create an impossible build like SL and SM 0 is not going to end well.
If you do something like that, you risk a ban. Agreed, responsibly backing up your own characters in case of data loss seems like the appropriate and sane thing to do without any risk of a ban. This is all I do. Tbh it takes some serious level of ridiculous edits to even risk a ban. The checks on the save file are trivial, dark souls 2 save file download.
There are some other minor checks, like the one on the items received that should prevent duping hint: it doesn't. Seems silly to me but I'm game for people playing however they want to. I think what's a more interesting application for something like this is to play Pro's characters.
Dark Souls 2 100% Save Game
, time: 0:57Dark souls 2 save file download

Jul 09, · Ten characters with custom stats and starting equipment. any thoughts you may have on changes/improvements to the stats and equipment are open for discussion. don't forget to check the readme section if you are new to using foreign save files for you game. also i'll be adding an optional save file soon that replaces Siegfried, (my test character) with a deprived instead. Savegame for Dark Souls 2 – The game done % – Character lvl. Download save – Character lvl – All DLC done – You can start new game+. Sep 13, · Dark Souls 2 Save Game Download. Completed %. LVL. How to instal: Copy DS2SOFSsl2 file to C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\ DarkSoulsII\\.
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